
Accelerate purposeful growth through bold choices.

How we can help.

In a time of disruptive forces and rapid change, one thing is certain: the future is unclear and full of uncertainties. As a thought leader in strategy, we guide you through the unknown and empower you to make bold and confident decisions. This way, you can achieve profitable growth, remain relevant, and make purposeful impact—all at the same time.

Our services:

⏤ Sustainability strategy.

⏤ Future visioning.

⏤ Growth strategy.

⏤ Strategy activation.

⏤ Business planning.

⏤ Go-to-market strategy.

"Thanks to BMI's involvement, our team has never been more passionate about strategy."

- John van der Ent, CEO SPAR Nederland.

Highlight: Our approach to growth strategy.

We kick off strategy projects by looking closely at the surroundings of your business including your market and competitors, searching for hidden opportunities while also exploring your organization for unique strengths.

We then work closely with your business leaders in interactive sessions to turn those opportunities into a future-proof growth strategy.

But we don’t just stop there—we take the strategy for a test run, making sure it resonates with the people most important to your business: your customers, team, and partners.

In the last step we bring your growth strategy to life. Through stories that touch hearts and minds, and interactive sessions that spark action, we make sure that everyone is not just following but leading the charge towards purposeful growth.


Discover our latest insights on strategy and innovation.

11 key elements for your next growth strategy.

In a rapidly changing world, new technologies and environmental pressures present numerous opportunities to deliver value and innovate within your business.

Assumption-based strategy in times of uncertainty.

Amidst escalating VUCA, exacerbated by COVID-19, technology, and instability, let's explore innovators' strategies in navigating uncertainty.

What is growth strategy? Understanding the basics.

In the competitive landscape, a vibrant growth strategy is crucial for success and staying ahead. Explore how to identify growth opportunities.

Looking for new growth opportunities?

Make an appointment with Patrick.

Patrick van der Pijl
Patrick van der Pijl