A movement wrapped in software.
How do we create environments where employee well-being is a priority? Answering that question led to the creation of well-being platform Quan.
Their platform focuses on improving the well-being of teams as a whole. Of course, you could help your team members individually. Think of all existing solutions like coaching, meditation, and apps, but in the end it is about the context and the team that make these individual efforts sustainable. This is where Quan comes in. Their platform is designed to measure and manage personal and professional well-being. Both of the indivual and the team as a whole. The outcome? Teams are able to make science-backed changes in their culture.
What do company culture and well-being have in common? What is the importance of a community? What do we need to create the future of health & well-being? You will find out in this 20 minute podcast. Our guest is Arosha Brouwer, CEO & Co-founder at Quan. Tune in.

"In health & well-being there is no ‘winner takes it all’. We need to think of how we can collaborate with each other. We decided to focus on the team part because we see our comrades in the individual part. And we intent on working with them. So if you truly care about well-being and health, you pick one problem to solve and then come and collaborate.”
– Aroasha Brouwer, CEO & co-founder of Quan.
Inspired to start your own journey towards the future of health & well-being?
About the podcast.
This podcast series is designed for innovative business leaders. Our guests are true frontrunners in their field of expertise and we’ll spend each episode talking about what makes their business model unique, what they envision for the (near) future, and what you can learn from them. Together we’re exploring new value spaces, such as connectivity, food, and health & wellbeing. Are you ready to find answer to the question “Where is value next?”.